Will 30/10 Protein-fiber Ratio Really Work for Muscle Building?


If you are someone who is passionate about muscle building and maintaining your body, then here is your blessing. This 30/10 protein-fiber ratio helps you in muscle building efficiently. But how? Studies show that 30 grams of proteins and 10 grams of fibers per meal help strengthen muscles and in fat loss.


It is one of the important components of your body that is responsible to build and repair tissues. Proteins are something that your body needs in large amounts as it is vital for your bones, muscles, hair, nails, skin, and also for overall health. Protein also helps to increase the muscle mass of your body. If you are concentrating on building your muscles then the components that you must include in all your diet are protein. But it is important to consume it in the right amount, otherwise, it is stored in your body as excess fat. When you include the right amount of protein in your diet, your body replaces carbs and fat with protein and boosts the satiety hormone levels in your body and helps you eat only fewer calories hence helps in weight loss. Proteins can significantly boost your metabolism and helps in burning calories. High blood pressure is one of the common problems faced by people nowadays, high protein intake can seemingly lower the blood pressure.

But, consuming a higher amount of proteins than your body needs might also lead to several health issues. Eating too much protein over and over again can affect your kidneys and might lead to dehydration. Indigestion is another common problem caused by the intake of too much protein. Amyloidosis is a condition that is caused by eating a lot more protein than your body needs. This condition greatly affects your heart, liver, and kidneys.

Foods That Are High In Protein

Usually, the protein content is measured by the number of amino acids present. Chicken, beef, and dairy products contain high- quality protein as they have essential amino acids your body needs. All kinds of soy products, quinoa, lentils, and whole grains have a considerable amount of amino acids. Fruits that are rich in proteins: guavas, avocados, kiwifruits, oranges, bananas, raspberries, and peaches. Dairy products, eggs, and legumes are considered to be an excellent source of protein.


If you are wondering what exactly fibers are, it is one of the three types of carbohydrates that is found naturally in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and beans and is not digestible in humans. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber usually slows down the digestion process and can be beneficial for weight loss. Soluble fibers can be found in Oats, legumes, and nuts. Unlike soluble fiber, it does not have major benefits but it helps provide bulk to stool. It is important that you take the combination of 75 percent of soluble and 25 percent of insoluble fibers. Insoluble fibers can also be found in fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

Other benefits of fiber include lower blood pressure and can also lower the risks of heart diseases such as stroke. It can greatly help in improving constipation and digestive problems.

Proteins help in improving the muscle mass of your body and also help build muscle, whereas fiber intake helps maintain healthy bowels and greatly helps with digestion. A clean colon can get rid of unwanted waste from your body. Following this combination of 30/10 protein fiber ratio can not only help in muscle building but also improve your overall health greatly.


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