Studies Suggest That Reopening Schools Will Increase COVID-19 Spread


COVID-19 is considered one of the greatest challenges faced by humankind. Around the world, there are over 20 million confirmed cases and 733k deaths due to COVID-19. Most of us would have not faced such a terrible situation but very slowly we are coming out of the situation as some countries like Russia and Turkey are coming with successful vaccines. Even though many countries are working to find a successful solution for the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation continues to persist. As of now, the only way to avoid the spread of COVID-19 is by following social distancing, wearing masks, and washing hands properly. At this point in time, where social distancing is the only way you can prevent the spread, imagine reopening schools. This is obviously going to make the situation worse and will increase COVID-19 spread rapidly, suggests many studies.

Let’s have an in-depth look at how reopening schools will increase COVID-19 spread.

Reasons Why Reopening Schools Will Increase COVID-19 Spread

As of now, only 2% of children were affected by the Coronavirus. Some people say that children are more prone to COVID-19 and some say that children are less likely to get affected by the COVID-19. But, the truth is that just like adults coronavirus spreads in children too but the chances are very less. But, either way, children can transmit the disease easily as sometimes, they might not wear masks or wash their hands properly. All these days, parents were taking care of their children as they were at home but now, reopening schools can reverse the situation. Children tend to touch and play with different stuff, interact with other children, and touch their nose and mouth often. As adults, we can wear masks even if it is uncomfortable as we all know the current situation but children might not know the necessity of wearing masks and might playfully remove it. Imagine not the following anything from wearing masks to maintaining social distancing, now do you think the chances of the spread is less? Obviously not.

Studies show that children who are less than 5 years are more likely to have a higher viral load in their noses and throat. The countries with advanced economies are still confused about re-opening schools. Once the school reopens low-income/developing countries will be affected more than high-income/developed countries. There are several reasons behind it. In low-income countries, one of the major reasons why the spread can increase is that the elderly have more contact with the children comparatively. Hence studies are suggesting that delaying reopening schools can control the spread effectively.

UNESCO estimated that in over 100 countries due to the COVID-19 national worldwide school closure, more than 60% of the enrolled students are affected. At this point where we are facing several difficulties, the world is choosing to go online as it is the only safest way possible to educate children. Just like, there are two sides to a coin, there are notable advantages and disadvantages of online education. Let’s discuss it.


  • It is one of the easiest and safest ways to connect with students.
  • You can be on the safer side of not interacting with fellow students physically and yet can continue your studies.
  • Students and teachers can save time as they do not have to wake up early to get ready for school.
  • After class assignments help students to have more clarity about the topics taken in the classes.
  • Parents can observe how their children listen and react in the classes. They may also help them understand the concept clearly as this is a time where most of us are at home, hence you can interact with your children freely.


  • There are still several families that cannot even afford smartphones and the internet, hence Children from poor background might be affected strongly as they might not afford internet education.
  • Students, cannot concentrate as much as they do in their regular classrooms as it is a virtual platform and the chances of getting distracted are very high.
  • Since the concept of internet education started, one of the major issues is the poor internet connection, this may lead to a lack of focus among students.
  • Working professionals get affected more as they have to take care of their children as well as concentrate on their work.

We are not used to the idea of internet education especially young children, hence the government is still struggling to provide a better way of helping students learn in this pandemic. But, they say something is better than nothing. Let’s make use of the internet as much as possible as it is the only safe way left.


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