Your Travel First Aid Checklist


Your first aid kit should be a ‘travel survival kit’, in that it should contain useful medical items to help you to stay comfortable and safe. It’s important for you to have one, even if you are going on an organised trip, as you should always be responsible for having a first aid kit that enables you to look after yourself. There is certainly considerable peace of mind in knowing that you can treat your own blisters and that you have your own bandages, medication and the like. So, check out our advice below on organising and buying your kit, as well as what items of kit you should take.


Traveling means tasting and enjoying a variety of new and rare food items. But indulging in some mouthwatering dishes can take a toll on your digestive system too. So, if you want to stay away from issues like acid formation in stomach or frequent heartburn, you have to keep a fair amount of antacids in your first-aid kit.


Infection is another important concern that we should take into account while assembling our travel first-aid kit. There are several antibiotic medicines (OTC) that can cure infections and inflammations effectively. However, you should consult with your physician before purchasing these as they have a wide variety of functions and strengths.

C)Cleaning wipes

Antibacterial wipes are useful for cleaning small wounds. (Larger wounds should be cleaned with soap and cooled, boiled water).


A band-aid is one of the most common elements of a first-aid kit. From a mild scratch to a severe cut – whatever the emergency is, nothing can be a better solution than it to avoid infections. Even if your trip is a short one, your first-aid kit should never lack enough band-aids.

E)Roll of tape

Used for holding dressing pads or bandages in place. There are gentle types of tape such as Micropore, as well as stronger types such as Elastoplast. If you are taking just one roll of tape, take a roll of Elastoplast, as it’s more versatile.

F)ORS (Oral Rehydration Solutions)

When it comes to traveling to a new place, the most common ailment that we need to be careful of is diarrhea. There are oral rehydration solutions under various brand names, which can be used for such emergency moments. Some other drugs like loperamide can be taken for a short-term relief in mild diarrhea, while ciprofloxacin can work as an antibiotic in case of emergencies.

G)Personal medication

If you are suffering from hypertension, type-2 diabetes, high cholesterol, thyroid disorders, or any other such chronic medical conditions, do not ever forget to carry sufficient prescribed medications with you. It will not only keep you well throughout the trip, but also help you get the most out of it.


A supply of individually wrapped sterile square gauze will turn out to be the ‘jack-of-all-trades’ in your travel first-aid kit. Just a layer of gauze is what you need to soak up blood and stop bleeding from a wound. It also works as a basic dressing for small injuries by cleaning the wound, keeping it sterile, and applying pressure to it.

I)Surgical gloves

These are essential items, as you may have to deal with your traveling companion’s body fluids-and hence the risk of infection-if they get injured in the middle of nowhere and you need to treat the wound. Surgical gloves can be bought from a chemist.


It may sound surprising but tweezers also make an important part of your first-aid kit. They turn out to be really useful in cleaning a wound by getting tiny bits of stone or dirt out of it.

K)Small Scissors

Check any commercially available first-aid kit and you will find a small pair of scissors in it for sure. From trimming a gauze to resizing a bandage, it can help you in a number of ways during your trip.


You need a crepe bandage large enough for a sprained knee, ankle or wrist. It’s best to take two: one 8cm (3.14 in) wide and one 4cm (1.57 in) wide. They can be used to make a sling, bandage limbs together, provide compression in cases of very severe bleeding, or hold together splints that you have made from a sleeping mat.


If you are prone to motion sickness, these medications are a must for you. There are a number of drugs available in the market and you need to choose the right one as per your problems. Just have a talk to your doctor and follow his / her suggestions. A good antihistamine cream is also a useful addition to your kit as it keeps away annoying issues, such as sudden rashes, bumps, and itchiness.

N)Water Purification Tablets

Usually, when we suffer from medical conditions like diarrhea or frequent vomiting, our body loses a large amount of fluid. It needs to be replaced immediately in order to prevent serious conditions. Here comes the importance of water purification tablets. If you keep this in your travel first-aid kit, you do not need to worry about the purity of the drinking water wherever you go.

O)Surgical Tape

It goes without saying that the surgical tape is an indispensable part of a portable first-aid kit. In fact, you cannot secure a gauze or a bandage properly to a wound without the help of a surgical tape.


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