Working from home? Here’s how to design the perfect home office


It wasn’t all that long ago that the home office might have been dismissed as an afterthought when designing a new home.

But with more than half the population now working from home, the humble study nook is moving up the ranks to become one of the most important rooms in the house.
For some, remote working is an opportunity to cut their commute and improve their work/life balance. Others say flexible work improves their productivity and efficiency. Whatever your reason for working from home, it’s important to make sure your home office design is functional, stylish and sets you up for success.

Planning your home office design
It’s essential to take time to plan when designing your office space.
If you don’t have the luxury of dedicating an entire room to your home office, consider a disused corner of a room or a landing that could be zoned off and function as a workspace. You might be surprised by what you can create with a well-placed screen or some built-in storage.

The Rawson Homes team are experts in small home office design, so if you’re not sure whether that space under the stairs will work for you, get in touch to talk through your ideas.

Check out design websites for home office ideas and inspiration, and make sure you factor in functional elements such as an ergonomic desk and chair, computers and other technical equipment.
Sketch out what you have in mind and include measurements of the space. Armed with a budget and a plan, you’re now ready to visit showrooms.

Designing your home office decor
There are two important factors to consider when decorating your home office – lighting and colour scheme.
While a good natural light source is ideal, it’s important to factor in where the sun will be at different times of the day and design your lighting strategy accordingly to prevent eye strain. In most cases, an adjustable overhead light is sufficient during the day; however, a small lamp may give more specific, directional light in the evening.

When it comes to choosing a colour for your home office, keep in mind that different hues can impact your mood, productivity, comfort and energy levels. For instance, a bright red feature wall might sound great in theory but could prove distracting if you’re forced to spend all day staring at it. You will also need to factor in how the decor ties in with the rest of your home, particularly if your work space is only partially secluded from the main living areas.

According to colour psychologists, shades of blue and green are most conducive towards productivity and focus. Blue stimulates the mind, assists with concentration and invokes a sense of calm, which could prove helpful as deadlines approach. Green is known as the least fatiguing shade on your eyes and can increase reading speed and comprehension.

Choosing your home office furniture
It can be tempting to shop for your home office furniture on looks alone, but it’s important to make your selections based on the requirements of your job and the dimensions of the space.
When choosing a desk, consider how much storage you’ll need and look for features such as a keyboard drawer to keep clutter and wires to a minimum. Corner desks are a great option if you’re short on space, just make sure it isn’t too deep. A good rule of thumb is to allow at least one metre of space in front of the desk so you can sit in your chair in comfort.




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