5 Grooming Habits That’ll Ensure You Don’t Look Like a Slob at Work


Looking well put together is an art and here’s how you can master it

It’s very rare that the people who make a lasting impression on us look like an absolute mess. The kind of people we remember look well put together and no, it’s not a one-off thing. They manage to look that way all the time. So, one thing is clear, this doesn’t happen by accident. There’s a lot of effort that goes into looking fly at the workplace and getting noticed for all the right reasons! Wondering what these people do right? Here are 5 grooming habits that’ll ensure you look good at work (and not like a slob instead).

1. Have A Signature Cologne
Sometimes, we tend to remember people by the way they smell. It’s human nature. So seeking
out a signature fragrance is a great idea. Find one that best fits your budget
and suits your personality. Changing your cologne every now and then might make
you seem indecisive – a trait you don’t want to bring to the workplace.

2. Invest In Quality Hair Care Products
Believe it or not, your hairstyle has the power to make or break your look. You don’t want your shabby hairdo to grab all the attention while you’re wearing the best outfit you own, right? Invest in quality hair care products that keep your mane game strong (and healthy). This will prevent excessive hair fall and maintain the texture of your hair.


3. Trim Your Facial Hair
A stray hair peeking out of your nose can be quite distracting for someone who has to interact with you face to face. Imagine if this becomes a topic of discussion among your colleagues. So, don’t wait for the bi-monthly appointment to trim your facial hair. Make it a routine to keep an eye out for unruly facial hair and trim it. All it takes is a pair of scissors and a few minutes before or after your shower.

4. Exfoliate Twice A Week
Blackheads, just like the stray nose hair, can look quite gross. It implies that neither do you pay attention to details nor do you believe in taking care of yourself. We’re pretty sure you don’t want to be associated with either of those qualities. Exfoliation removes the skin’s dead skin cells and goes a long way in preventing breakouts as well. Exfoliating your skin twice a week will ensure it looks and stays healthy. There are a plethora of good quality skincare products available in the market – all you have to do is find one for your skin type.

5. Don’t Forget About Your Feet
We’re not talking about that mandatory once a year pedicure. It’s a consistent effort. Scrubbing your feet, cutting your nails in time and keeping them clean reflects great personal hygiene. Even if you’re not required to wear open toe footwear to work, you must always be prepared. All we’re saying is, going to the salon once a month for a pedicure doesn’t hurt!




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