most common sign of Vitamin D deficiency is exhaustion.


The most common sign of Vitamin D deficiency is exhaustion. If you often feel exhausted, even after eating right and sleeping for 7-8 hours at night, it can be due to some underlying health condition. Vitamin D is necessary for the proper functioning of skeletal muscles and scarcity of this nutrient can lead to extreme fatigue. As per a study carried out on a group of female nurses, the researchers established a link between low Vitamin D level and self-reported fatigue.

Bone and back pain
Vitamin D is even necessary for the absorption of calcium in the body. Sufficient amount of calcium intake is essential to keep our bones, muscles and teeth healthy. If you often experience back or muscle pain, then it may be a sign of inadequate Vitamin D level in the blood. Studies even suggest the link between the deficiency of this vitamin and chronic pain.

Slow wound recovery
Slow recovery of wounds after an injury can also be due to low levels of Vitamin D in the body. This vitamin even plays a crucial role in controlling inflammation and fighting infection. A study suggests that people suffering from severe deficiency of Vitamin D are more likely to suffer from inflammation, which can halt the healing process.

Hair loss
Hair loss can be due to multiple reasons and the most common of all is the deficiency of Vitamin D. This nutrient stimulates hair follicles to grow, so when this vitamin is deficient in the body, the hair quality may get affected. Vitamin D deficiency is also linked to alopecia areata, which is an autoimmune condition that causes patchy hair loss.

Feeling low
Vitamin D also plays a key role in uplifting your mood. If you feel low or depressed, then sunlight can help to cheer you up. Exposure to sunlight is even recommended to people suffering from depression. If you are feeling low lately, then being outdoors in the sunshine may help.

​Family history of hypertension
If either of your parents has high blood pressure, your chances of getting it are a lot higher. Heart diseases and high blood pressure have a major role to play when it comes to genetics.
What you can do

While you can’t change your genetics, you can talk to your doctor and take precautionary steps before the problem arises.

Smoking (even occasionally)Smoking (even occasionally)Even if you do not smoke on a regular basis, the occasional cigarette can also increase your risk of getting high blood pressure. You will be surprised to know that nicotine even from one cigarette can cause your blood vessels to narrow temporarily. Not just this, tobacco damages the cells of which the blood vessels are made of.What you can do

Say no to smoking at all costs.Not eating enough vegetables and fruits You are what you eat. And not feeding your body enough vegetables and fruits can make you prone to multiple health problems. The antioxidants from fruits and vegetables can help treat certain health problems naturally.What you can do

Focus on a healthy and balanced diet. Try to include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats in your daily meals for a healthier heart.


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