advice to aspiring models? Culture Lifestyle Interview


How did you start your modelling career in Oman?

It was a humble beginning back in 2010, through my brother who took some pictures with a simple camera, which were admired by friends and family.

What was it like during your first shoot?
It was quite a fun and interesting experience. I enjoyed exploring this field, being one of the first Omanis to dive into modelling and celebrate and appreciate the craft.

Was modelling something you always wanted to do or did it just kind of happened?

Absolutely. It was my childhood dream to become a model. Being in front of the camera felt natural to me. I loved it from the first photo-shoot.

The modelling industry in Oman is still new and somewhat not fully accepted, how did you keep going

I think we are slowly getting there. The support I receive from the community is amazing, it exceeds all my expectations as usual. The society is what keeps me going, and they continue to encourage me on my modelling journey. I am eternally grateful for having such a supportive following.

What’s the best and worst thing about being a model?
The best part about being a model, I’d say is the ability to hone multiple skills simultaneously. I feel that I have developed my skillset in acting and presenting as well. I am now more confident. Also, being a model allowed me to network and meet lots of key people in our society. I think that’s also an added benefit (laughs). Till now, there isn’t a part I dislike except when people think modelling requires no efforts. It’s a tough, demanding job that appears to be easy but isn’t. You have to be dedicated, able to take criticism and rejection.

What’s the biggest misconception about male models in Oman?

That it’s confined within the walls of fashion, runways, skincare and beauty. It’s much wider than that.

Do you enjoy shoots or runways, and why?

Photo-shoots, all day every day!

Do you aspire to become an international model or prefer to remain local?

Of course, I aspire to succeed globally and share the beauty of Oman’s fashion and culture through modelling.

Give us five facts about Yazin that people may not know?

Interesting question. Well, I love photography, design, presenting or emceeing and cooking.

What is your advice to aspiring models?

The best advice is not to rush things and to be patient. Also, to learn from those who are more experienced in modelling, and working with photographers who will help you develop your career as a model.


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