5 common grooming mistakes men make


Gone are the days when only women spent hours getting ready. Today, grooming plays an essential part in the lives of both men and women. Yet, many men get even the most basic of grooming essentials wrong. Whether it’s about being the top cat at the office or being a hit with the ladies, you need to know how to play your cards right. Are you guilty of making these common grooming mistakes?

This is one of the most common grooming bloopers observed with men. When it comes to cologne or deodorants, there is a tendency to go overboard with the amount that is applied or sprayed. This will have a reverse effect causing people to run away from you. Remember that these fragrances are meant to enhance your natural scent, not overpower everybody’s nostrils. Subtle works best.

A lot of men are caught up with the macho look and start sporting stubble to get that look right. But the thing is, too much stubble makes you look shabby and unkempt. The stubble look is not for everyone. If you have a face that can pull it off, make sure you use a trimmer to keep it down to the bare minimum. If you work in an ultra-professional corporate environment, then it’s time to bring out the razor. A clean shaven look can never go wrong, but not keeping that stubble under check, certainly can.

Some men are under the false impression that skin care is a girly thing. It most certainly is not. Although men’s skin is tougher, it is still susceptible to ageing, wrinkles and other skin ailments. So, make sure you get plenty of moisturiser wherever needed, use a face wash daily and drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated and younger looking.

Your mane is perhaps the best asset that you will possess, so make sure you take good care of it. Depending on your hair type, take some time out to visit a salon and get some professional advice and styling done. At home, use products but don’t go overboard. Men have this tendency to slap on way too much gel making their hair look very gooey. Just a little bit worked well into damp hair with the fingers should do the trick. Also, be sure to use shampoo and conditioner.

Oral hygiene is important, especially when you are in an environment where you need to work with many people. Too many men out there take this for granted and if you have ever wondered why people tend to make a run for it when they see you, now you know. Use mouthwash daily and equip yourself with a pack of mints when on the move. Avoid eating garlic and onions before walking in to a meeting or going on that special date.

Getting your act right when it comes to grooming will not only make you a more socially acceptable and enjoyable person, but you will also have a certain feel good factor about yourself.


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