Ways to Prevent Split Ends


Split ends are when a single strand of your hair has its end split into two, a sure-fire sign of damage! If left untreated, split ends may lead to breakage. This is when the hair breaks at a point that causes the strand to be significantly shorter. The longer you grow your hair, the older the ends are, the higher chance of having split ends.

The good news is that there are a variety of steps you can take to help prevent split ends. Here are a few tips you should try to maintain your hair’s healthy look:

1.Dry hair gently

 Wet hair is fragile and vulnerable to damage. So treat it with utmost care. Vigorously rubbing your hair dry with a towel creates tangles and twists in many unnatural directions, thus causing breakage and split ends. Instead, gently dab the dripping hair with a towel to get rid of the excess water.

Use a soft cotton towel, as they are kinder to your hair and causes less friction when drying, and therefore less damage. Plus, cotton towel absorbs a great amount of water, so your hair will dry faster. The next time you wash your hair, wrap hair in a soft cotton towel and leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then let hair dry naturally. Your hair should be smoother and healthier!

2.Get regular haircuts and trims

No matter how well you look after your hair, the everyday combing, washing will cause some wear and tear, and therefore you can’t prevent split ends entirely. Inevitably, a trim will be necessary at some point to control split ends. But, proper care will allow you to stretch trim appointment to every eight to twelve weeks, or may be even longer. Keep a regular check on them. If you happen to see a random split end, take a pair of scissors and get rid of it. Leaving the split end uncut is not a good idea, as it could potentially get worse and travel all the way up to the root.

3.Oil your hair before you wash them

Shampooing/Washing can cause damage to your hair. When hair gets wet during shampooing it absorbs water and swells. In this state it is very fragile and therefore it is easier for splits or chips to occur.

4.Choose chemical-free shampoos

Always opt for shampoos that does not contain any harsh ingredients. When your hair gets wet during shampooing, it is very fragile and susceptible for splits to occur. Shampoos with harsh ingredients will further damage your hair instead. In order to reduce the damage, switch to chemical-free shampoos that are paragon free and silicone free. Use shampoos that contain ingredients such as argon oil, rosemary, lavender or chamomile that nourishes your hair and help restore its moisture balance. You can also look at our selection of shampoos that are customised for certain hair and scalp types.

5.Change the way you detangle

It is recommended to detangle your wet hair with a wide-tooth wooden comb. Avoid tugging it down your hair from the root to the tip and also avoid combing until your hair is almost dry. Start at the ends before gently working your way up. The whole process should be quiet or even silent. If you’re hearing sounds when brushing, it is a sign that you’re using too much force! When you encounter a tangle, stop and untangle gently with your comb or fingers and then proceed.

6.Apply a leave-in conditioner

If you have bad split ends or are prone to having them, then be sure to apply a leave- in conditioner to your hair. This is to protect your hair from the regular wear and tear that can happen due to combing, styling, and also environmental factors (hot sun or cold winds).

You don’t need any fancy brands. Oils or plant butters make an excellent leave-in conditioners. Best oils to use-coconut, almond and jojoba oil; and best butters that work- shea and aloe butter.

Take a little amount (not more than a pea size) of oil or butter and rub it between your palms and apply to damp or dry hair, focusing on the ends and leave-in. This will smooth down frizz, split ends and flyaways, and leave your hair looking shiny and beautiful.  Start with little, you can always add more to adjust the needs of your hair-you don’t want your hair to look greasy.

7.Moisturise and go for regular hair maintenance

To protect your hair from regular wear and tear, be sure to use a conditioner after shampooing or use a leave-in conditioner/mask. Take a little amount and rub it between your palms before applying to damp or dray hair. Remember to focus on the ends and smooth down frizzes so that your hair looks shiny and beautiful.

8.Reduce the use of heat appliances

Heat appliances such as blow dryers, flat-iron, and heat curlers are bad for your hair however expensive or reputed they may be. When you blow dry or apply heat on your hair it reduces your hair’s natural moisture, leaving it dry, rough and brittle. Constant use can cause physical hair trauma, and the result is damaged hair and split ends.

The best way to dry your hair is to let it dry naturally, and the healthiest way to style it is heat-less. Go gentle. And your hair will look and feel better, and last longer.


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