Do’s & Don’ts for people while staying at home


All of us are facing an unprecedented Corona crisis worldwide for more than one month. India also becomes a part go in this pandemic health issue. Though incidence is very low in India compared to first world countries, the Government of India with various healthcare providers has taken many important measures to contain the virus spread. So that rate of infection and its related complications can be halted.

One of the most important steps is awareness among people like the importance of hand hygiene, social distancing and lockdown in houses to keep away social gathering and restricting the activities of daily routine to minimal.

Though this has been benefiting the people in one way which is restricting the people to stay indoor; it is leading to less than healthy life in another way.

Why outdoor activities are important and what are the side effects people faces when they are not allowed to go out from one place. Going outside and sunlight exposure has a positive effect on well-being, keeps energy high and prevents anxiety and depression.

People are facing many activity restrictions that eventually crop up various health issues. Orthopedics problems are no exceptions to this. To prevent musculoskeletal related problems, we would like to shares a few tips on how to keep yourself and your family healthy during this lockdown by doing some indoor activities.


  1. Best indoor activity to keep you fit are YOGA, Meditation, dance, take the stairs for a fast walk/running a few times like 10 mins each.
  2. Low impact activity by lifting weights and participating in household chores.
  3. Muscle Stretching and Strengthening exercise to reduce joint stiffness.
  4. Take plenty of liquids while you are home that will keep you hydrated and less tired.
  5. 20 mins sun exposure is a must in your balcony/rooftop for Vitamin D and Circadian rhythm.
  6. Cut Carbohydrates intake a bit and increase protein intake with fibers, helpful in weight control.


  1. Go outside that will help to reduce the exposure risk.
  2. Touch at surfaces unnecessarily at hospital visit or going out.
  3. Sit/laying too long at one place like on sofa/bed excessively.
  4. Long exposure time to screen.
  5. Use clubs, swimming pools in societies.
  6. Take fatty meals and a heavy dinner.
  7. Have packed food/juices, excessive tea, and coffee.
  8. Do workout on slippery/uneven surfaces.
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