Work From Home: 5 Clever Ways to Squeeze a Home Office Into Any Room


The work-from-home directive is still in place, and many Singaporeans are still balancing regular home life with everyday work responsibilities. But not everyone has a dedicated study room to be focused and productive in. This, however, doesn’t mean that you can’t make space for a proper working area at home.

Essentially, any room in your home can become a temporary work-from-home solution, even if you think you don’t have the space. Here are some quick and smart ways to turn any room into a home office.

1: Your Bedroom is the Most Obvious Work-from-home Office Spot
For most homeowners, the most logical space to have a work-from-home office is their bedroom. This is already one of the most versatile and adaptable rooms in the home; we sleep, relax and get ready here. It’s only natural that many of us will naturally want to squeeze a study table into the room.
The easiest way to have a work-from-home office here is to place a study table in a corner of the room. Keep in mind that segregating areas is important. You want to have separate zones for work and sleep, so try and keep the boundaries distinct.

Don’t have room for a dedicated workspace in your bedroom? A reading nook like this bay window seat can also become an impromptu home office. Set yourself up with a lap desk and you’ll have a cosy and quiet corner to get some work done in peace.

2: Settle Down in Your Living Room Office
The common area of the living room might not seem like a good idea for you to set up your work-from-home office space, but don’t underestimate its potential! Living rooms are typically large and spacious, and they can actually be conducive for a good few hours.

Sitting on the couch with your laptop propped on your coffee table is the obvious way to go. But this will probably hurt your neck after a couple of hours. Instead, look for productive spots like the bay window or the bar counter. Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable!

If the television is going to be a distraction, you can always flip your seating position and face the wall instead.

3: Your Kitchen Can be Your Work-from-home Office
As the heart of the home, the kitchen has always been a multi-purpose space where the entire family gravitates to. During work hours, you can quickly convert a kitchen countertop into a work-from-home office worktop

The island counter of a kitchen makes for a great open-concept home office. Not only is it typically more spacious, it’s also usually set in the middle of the home, allowing you to keep an eye on the kids while you’re typing away. Just make sure you block any distractions, like delicious food, before setting up here.

Don’t overlook the breakfast counter! L-shaped kitchens are great for carving out a nice little spot to get your work done. Pull up a dining chair and you’re all set up for your Zoom calls.

4: Get to Work at Your Outdoor Office on the Balcony
While not all homes in SIngapore have a balcony, those that do should definitely capitalise on it. After all, why wouldn’t you want to have an alfresco work-from-home office set-up?

No matter how big or small your balcony is, nothing should be stopping you from outfitting the space with a table and chairs. Park yourself outdoors and enjoy the sunlight and fresh air while still remaining productive at work. Just be ready to move indoors if the weather turns bad, or if external noise becomes too distracting.

5: Squeeze a Work-from-home Office at Your Foyer
For smaller homes, finding a distraction-free space to get any work done might be a challenge. But all you need is a little creativity when looking for space for your work-from-home office. With a little bit of planning, the foyer or entryway of your home can become a cosy and compact study area.

In this home, one of the shoe cabinets actually houses a quaint little study desk, complete with a computer monitor, overhead lighting and all the powerpoints necessary. You can have a similar set-up by pulling up a small desk next to the front door, away from the bustle of the rest of the home. Another advantage of having a temporary home office at the foyer is that you’ll typically be positioned away from any distractions.

6: A Home Office Hidden in Your Wardrobe
When you need peace and quiet to focus on your work, think about moving into the closet space. But we’re not talking about squeezing into a tiny wardrobe, of course! If you have a walk-in wardrobe, it might make sense to clear up some space and set up a work-from-home office there. It’s distraction-free and typically set apart from the rest of the home, meaning that you’ll have space to focus on the work on hand.

In this open-concept walk-in wardrobe, the vanity table can double up as a great study desk. Plug in your laptop and you’ll be good for a few hours of distraction-free focus time. Wardrobes and closets are also typically quieter parts of the home, so you know you won’t be distracted by your family members.

Even the tightest corners can become a makeshift office. This little niche sits between the full-wall wardrobe and the ensuite bathroom and is supposed to be a vanity area for getting ready in the mornings. But it can easily become a cosy little home office with the addition of some table lamps and a comfy chair.

7: The Dining Room Can be a Great Work-from-home Office Space
Many Singaporeans will probably have memories of sitting around the dining table as kids, doing their homework with their parents’ help. As working adults, we can still utilise this versatile worktop as a temporary home office.

An office with plenty of space, proximity to power points and next to the drawer full of snacks in the kitchen? Why not? Plug in your monitor or open up your laptop and you’ll have an efficient working area. Just remember to move aside your work peripherals when it’s mealtime to have a clear distinction between work and home life.

8: Anywhere, Really
In reality, there are no rules to squeezing out a work-from-home office. If you’re creative enough, any unused corner can be transformed into a temporary workspace.

Have an unused walkway, narrow passageway or even an empty corner at home? Move in a table and chair and you’ll have a makeshift home office to work from. These tight and cramped spaces might actually make you more productive as you’ll be far away from any distractions.

All it took was a slim table and a couple of chairs and this unused spot was turned into a fully functional work-from-home office.



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