Essential Anti-Balding Nutrients


No, it’s not your imagination. Your hair is thinning. While genetics play a big role, you still have some control over your hairline-and we aren’t talking plugs or hair-in-a-box remedies, here. We’re talking food. That’s right, if your reflection shows an ever-growing forehead, put down the hat and reach for the fridge instead.

Like any other part of the body or component of health, hair needs a variety of nutrients to grow and be healthy. Because nutrients go to essential tissues first, like muscles and organs, before they go to hair, it’s important to get both enough and a variety of nutrients to ensure a healthy head of hair.

Here, the nutrients you need for a full head of hair and the foods that pack them:

A)Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Good for more than your brain, omega-3 fatty acids nourish your whole noggin. The essential nutrient reaches both the hair shaft and the cell membranes in your scalp, nourishing the follicles and promoting healthy hair growth. Plus, they add elasticity to your hair, preventing it from breaking off and ending up in your shower drain. But get this-the body can’t produce omega 3-fatty acids on its own; whatever you eat is what your body gets. So dig in!


Boosting tissue growth and repair, zinc helps keep your scalp and hair stay healthy. It also regulates hormones (testosterone included) in the body and helps to maintain production of oil-secreting glands on the scalp that help your hair grow. There’s no need to go overboard, though. High levels of testosterone are actually linked to hair loss. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, 11 mg a day is all you need. While it’s not proven your body will go on a rampage if you consume too much zinc, there’s no need to tempt hair follicle fate.


Quick chemistry lesson: Your hair is pretty much pure protein. So if you don’t eat enough for both your muscles and hair, you’ll have bulging biceps-but a bald head. And even if you do hang onto your hair, eating too little protein can turn it gray. Eat a diet rich in high-quality, naturally occurring protein. Wait, you’re a veg or a vegan? No worries. As any good meatless eater knows, protein abounds in more than just animal sources.


When it comes to healthy circulation, eating enough iron is clutch. Iron helps deliver blood to the body’s cells. Neglect the nutrient and your blood can’t carry enough oxygen to your scalp for good hair growth. Many doctors have seen a correlation between treatment for iron-deficient anemia and an increase in hair growth.

E)Vitamins A and C

Both vitamins contribute to the production of sebum, the oily substance that your hair follicles spit out. Nature’s hair conditioner, it keeps your hair from breaking off. Plus, vitamin C increases the amount of blood-boosting iron that your body can put to use. While some vitamin A is good for your scalp, more than 15,000 IU a day can actually spur hair loss, said Bauman, who notes that the recommended daily allowance of the vitamin for men is 5,000 IU a day.


Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions-hair growth included.Magnesium deficiencies have been linked to hair loss in both men and women.


A trace element that helps the body make selenoproteins, which regulate reproduction, metabolism, DNA synthesis, and immunity, selenium also stimulates hair follicles to encourage new growth. Scrimp on selenium and your body will churn out way too much selenoproteins, leading to hair follicle abnormalities, reduced growth, and hair loss.


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